
Key TV title artwork
(Please use the links below - bold links open video clips. standard links open up images.)
The Nile: 5000 Years of History
Flying Across Britain with Arthur Williams
Hannibal’s Elephant Army: The New Evidence
Secrets of China's Forbidden City
China: Treasure of the Jade Empire
Dispatches: "How the MoD Wastes Our Billions"
Dispatches: "The Children Britain Betrayed"
Dispatches: "Lost in Care"
Dispatches: "Afghanistan - Mission Impossible?"
Dispatches: "It Shouldn't Happen to a Muslim"
Dispatches: "Somalia"
Dispatches: "Immigration: The Inconvenient Truth"
Dispatches: "Why Kids Kill"
Dispatches: "The Court of Ken"
Dispatches: "How Safe are Your Christmas Toys?"
Dispatches: “Why Bomb London?”
Frontline Football
Unreported World
A Dangerous Obsession
The Falklands: Reluctant Heroes
MayDay! MayDay!
Right to Reply (1999-2000)
Beyond the Booker Prize 2000
The Booker Prize 2000
Beyond the Booker Prize
The Booker Prize '99
Dispatches: “CCTV”
Dispatches: “The Hidden Killer (CJD)”
Dispatches: “Kosovo”
The Year in 30 seconds
A Hard News Special: “Did You Fake This Film Marc?”
Dispatches: “Playground”
Dispatches: “The Force is Not With You”
The Alternative Xmas Message
Dispatches: “Hard News Special”
Dispatches: “The Great Gulf Cover-Up”
Dispatches: “Clubs"